Engineering Companies database | List of Engineering Companies
Engineering Companies mailing list in the UK
Engage with senior decision-makers at 54,000+ Engineering firms and present your services by email, phone, and also post by utilising our targeted list of Engineering Companies UK.

54,109+ UK records
Business data list of Engineering Companies in the UK.
Data age 2-3 days
Personal B2B Emails and GDPR Compliant.
377,100+ Worldwide
A diverse breakdown across markets in the UK and also worldwide.

List of Engineering Companies Features
BDP Agency
Diverging from other data providers and brokers, our expertise lies in customised data research. Our emphasis on personalised solutions enables us to provide business databases meticulously crafted to fulfil your sales needs.
- 377,100+ Engineers Globally
- Engineers sector mailing list
- Includes postal, email and also telesales data
- target 24 times over 12 months
- Ideal for Engineering Firms, Energy Companies, Construction Companies, Mechanical Engineering Companies, Civil Engineering Companies and also Environmental and Sustainability Organisations
Leading Data Provider of Engineering Companies
BDP Agency
Setting us apart from other B2B providers, we specialise in offering extensive customisation options and advanced targeting features. Our assurance is that our clients not only save time and costs but also gain access to the most relevant data in the industry.
- Comprehensive Coverage
- Accurate and also Up-to-Date Information
- Customization Options
- Enhanced Targeting
- Time and also Cost Efficiency
- Industry Expertise

Engineering Companies Count Breakdown
Our Engineering Companies Count Breakdown provides a thorough analysis of the distribution of engineers across regions, specialities, and firm sizes. This offers valuable insights into the composition and dynamics of the engineering landscape in the UK. The database includes the engineering email database, engineering companies database, uk engineering companies list, list of engineering companies, engineering database, and engineer email database.
Engineering Companies Emails | Total Qty |
United Kingdom | 54,109 |
United States | 143,754 |
Europe | 88,156 |
Asia | 59,301 |
REST of World* | 31,871 |
Buy our Engineering Companies Database
Find out more about our Engineering Companies database and also how it could benefit you.
Explore our other products
Investing in our industry-tailored database solutions will transform your marketing ROI by generating increased leads and also sales. Connect with Engineering experts and then witness as your business’s clientele soars to unparalleled levels of success.

Manufacturing Database
The leading UK manufacturing companies’ market research.

Fleet Managers Database
Fleet Managers/ Fleet Directors details. Accurate and also up-to-date.

Education Database
Education sector decision makers. Accurate and also up-to-date research.
Engineering Companies Mailing List FAQ
Our Engineering Company Data stands as a testament to our ongoing commitment to comprehensive market research and also exemplifies our dedication to crafting extensive business lists across diverse industries. Below is everything you need to know about our Engineering Company databases.
How do you ensure that the Engineering Companies data is accurate?
This database results from market research, data collection, and also analysis, all integral to our ongoing efforts to offer detailed and current resources for businesses. We provide validation through six key points, such as
- validation of company records
- PAF validation with Royal Mail
- call centre validation
- telephone validation
- email verification
- Third-party accreditations (registered with the engineering council)
This process is conducted just before dispatch, guaranteeing that our data is only 2-3 days old upon receipt. As we continue to expand our business lists of engineering companies across various sectors, the UK Engineering Database showcases our dedication to crafting effective marketing strategies through industry-specific research, we are also the only UK data owner to offer a 100% guarantee with our databases.
Is purchasing an Engineering Companies database legal?
Be assured that our dedication to 100% GDPR and also DPA compliance safeguards your marketing strategy. We are committed to ensuring compliance with our data, which is also why we’ve assembled a section outlining our data protection commitments.
What fields are in the Engineering Companies industry email list?
At Business Data Prospects, we specialise in providing comprehensive and accurate email lists specifically curated for marketing to all different types of engineering companies, including aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, construction engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering, quality engineering, precision engineering and civil engineering.
Our database includes the company name, full address details, telephone number, contact details, as well as personal email lists of major engineering project management companies worldwide.
Why purchase an Engineering Companies database from us?
At Business Data Prospects, our speciality lies in matching you up with senior decision-makers at both UK and international Engineering firms. We offer our clients:
- Individualised B2B email addresses, excluding generic details like info@, etc., provide direct access to the individual responsible for purchasing decisions within the engineering company.
- The Engineers list enables you to reach out to these senior decision-makers at engineering firms via email 24 times within a 12-month period, doubling the frequency offered by any other B2B data provider.
- Our data enables you to segment and target different sectors, such as specific job titles like project management engineers or engineering firm managers, as well as locations, which will help you obtain the exact criteria for your specific project.
- As market research experts, we have been expanding our portfolio as the top data owner (not data broker) in the United Kingdom for over 16 years. This signifies our dedication to researching niche and tailored contacts for our clients, prioritising quality over quantity at every level.
- Each order is custom-built for every client and verified just before dispatch, ensuring that our data remains fresh and only 2-3 days old, as opposed to the dormant data available for download from online systems. Business Data Prospects lists come with a 100% guarantee, so why compromise on quality?
Can I have a sample of the Engineering Companies email list?
All of our data is compiled at the moment of your order to ensure accuracy and also to guarantee our confidence in delivering our 100% guarantee. This ensures that each client order is distinct and tailored to your specific requirements.
Our market research team has engaged with engineers worldwide over the years, which is why we excel at aligning businesses with your niche requirements. Building relationships in this industry over time and also raising awareness of your products and services beforehand are crucial steps. So, let us help you with a responsive UK engineering companies list to accelerate your sales.
We are pleased to offer samples demonstrating the data layout in Excel for aligning columns in your CRM system and email software. Additionally, you have the option to acquire a small test order of our data samples, comprising the top 2,000 records in the UK. So why not get in contact today to find out more?